Inorder to make this happen, I have tried to explain all the basic and important components
and topics related to Fire Alarm Systems in a simple without going into too many details that
may confuse people
So, before we begin the course let us first talk about the importance and the need for having a
Fire Alarm System. Now, as we all know that through out the ages Fire Risks have caused a lot
of damage to both property and lives due to the inability to detect fires in their early stages. If
a fire can be detected in the early stages of its development, then it can, not only be contained and extinguished early but it can also allow for the timely evacuation of the occupants of the premisesby alerting them to the presence of fire alarm before the fire spreads and reaches dangerous levels.This is where fire alarm systems come in. These systems allow for the early detection and the earlywarning of occupants to the presence of fires by using devices known as detectors and notificationdevices which notify the occupants by either audible signals, visual signals or by a combination of both.
The fire alarm systems can also be interconnected with other systems and buildings such as fire stationsto allow the alarm signal to reach them and for the necessary action to be taken in time.
What you'll learn
The main objective of fire alarm systems
Understanding the different types of fire alarm system components
Understanding the difference between addressable and conventional systems
Circuits and its types
Wiring Styles/ Pathway Designation
Primary and secondary power supply requirements
Understanding the different fire alarm stations such as central station, emergency voice communication system & remote station system
Types of heat detectors(Fixed Temperature , Rate of Rise , Rate Compensation , Electronic Spot)
Design Approach(Public Operating Mode, Private Operating Mode, Sleeping Requirements , Visible Appliance Requirements)
Types of smoke detectors ( Ionization , Photoelectric , Light Obscuration)
Elevator Recall and shutdown control functions
Manual Pull Station Installation Requirements
Smoke detector Spacing and Clearance Requirements
Heat Detector Spacing and Clearance Requirements
Postive Alarm Sequence